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Source Of Plastic


Household post-consumer waste plastics

Used waste plastics segregated from households


Waste plastic segregated from the landfills

Mixed waste plastics segregated in Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) landfill sites.


Ocean & river plastics

Mixed waste plastics collected from ocean and river bases


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Waste plastic generated from bio-mining

Mixed plastic waste generated from Bio-mining process in the abandoned landfills for the recovery of land for other use.


Agricultural fleece

It is a non-woven polypropylene fabric that is usually white in color and usually used as Growing Tunnel or Floating Row Cover to protect plants from damages caused by insects, frost as well as extreme weather conditions.


Industrial mixed plastic waste

Waste plastics generated in paper mills, Packaging wrapper plastic waste, Waste plastics generated in plastic product production process and mixed waste generated in plastic recycling process.

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