Heat & Melting System (HMS) Plastic Sand Extruder
Das Heat and Melting System (HMS) ist eine wichtige Komponente im Waste Aided Recycle Production (WARP)-Prozess. Diese Maschine verwandelt die Verbundmischung in eine gleichmäßige Schmelze. Das HMS ist eine weiterentwickelte, modifizierte Version der herkömmlichen Kunststoffextrusionsmaschine.

Plastic Sand Extruder Machine

Plastic Sand Extruder Machine

SM 600 HMS
Plastic Sand Extruder Machine
The HMS Plastic Sand Extruder machine is engineered to create a uniform molten mass by heating, melting, and mixing a composite blend made from waste plastics, sand, or other inert and industrial materials.
When the premixed composite is fed into the preheated HMS machine, it is pushed forward by a rotating screw, passing through multiple heating zones. Each zone operates independently, utilizing tubular heating elements to ensure efficient and uniform heating throughout the entire volume of the composite mass.
This system guarantees the optimal processing temperature for the specific type of plastic, sand, or other inert and industrial waste, making it easy to switch between different composite materials. Although the machine can process almost any type of polymer, it is highly recommended to use polymers with similar melting points.

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